
Nasolabial Fold or Laugh Lines: 8 Best Treatments to Correct Nose to Mouth Lines

How to Remove Nasolabial Folds

Laugh lines are nasolabial folds that run from both sides of your nose to the corners of your mouth. Nasolabial folds can become more prominent as early as the 20s. How to get rid of nasolabial fold or lines from nose to mouth? There are very effective ways to correct your deepening nasal labial or nasolabial fold, nose to mouth lines and marionette lines. You can find several methods to get rid of nasolabial folds without surgery.


how to remove nasolabial folds

The smile muscle is attached from the corner of our mouth to the cheekbone. When we smile the pull of the smile muscle creates a line or depression which runs from the nose to the corner of the mouth. This natural line is called the nasal labial or nasolabial line.

When we smile and laugh, naso-labial fold lines look deeper. Smile lines or nasolabial fold line can make a person look old and unhappy. Not only does the aging process affect the smile lines, lines around nose and marionette lines but so do other factors such as sun exposure, smoking and other lifestyle choices. Smile lines come with age because of less fat, loss of elasticity, and they create what is referred to as a "marionette" look, which make the corners of the mouth look frowny or down turned.


Best Treatment for Face Wrinkles - Nasolabial Folds


You can easily remove the nasal labial or nasolabial folds and marionette lines with specific treatments designed to get rid of wrinkles at the corners of your mouth.


Treatment Methods to Correct Nose to Mouth Lines


Among the most aging features of the face are the deep grooves between the nose and mouth known as nasolabial folds, or smile lines. Nasolabial folds around the nose and mouth can be treated through cosmetic procedures. Nose to mouth lines are flattened using cosmetic treatment option such as laugh line surgery, Dermabrasion, nasal folds filler, laser treatment and you can also get botox around your mouth.


Best Fillers for Smile Lines - Juvederm Nasolabial Folds


Juvederm is an excellent answer for softening deep nasolabial fold. Injecting Juvederm into these folds increases the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the area and treat the nasolabial fold. Juvederm is the best treatment for nasolabial folds.


Nasolabial Folds Treatment: Restylane for Nasolabial Folds


Nasolabial Fold Fillers: Usually, the best treatment for deep nasolabial folds is the injection of nasal folds filler. Restylane is a safe, smooth and skin-compatible hyaluronic acid gel dermal filler that fills in facial wrinkles and lines. Restylane is commonly used around the nose and mouth. this is one of the best cosmetic treatment on how to get rid of nasolabial folds without surgery.

Hyaluronic Acid is found naturally in most every cell in the body that attracts and binds to water (hydrophilic), which provides structure and contour. Therefore, it is very compatible with the human body and does not present the risk of adverse reaction. It may be injected into the laugh lines, lines around nose, nasolabial folds (lines from the nose to the corners of the mouth) and marionette lines (lines from the corners of the mouth to the jaw line. Once injected fillers for wrinkles around mouth, the hyaluronic acid in Restylane holds water, hydrates and gives volume to the skin, and corrects moderate to severe wrinkles and folds.


Best Treatment for Face Wrinkles: Collagen Injections for Nasolabial Fold


Collagen injections are another popular skin care treatment for laugh lines around the mouth and marionette lines. Youthful skin contains natural levels of collagen—that’s what keeps skin wrinkle-free. As people age, the collagen in their skin runs low and results in wrinkles. Collagen injections can be injected directly into laugh lines to simply restore the skin’s younger look. Collagen injections can eradicate or diminish laugh lines for 2-3 months.


Nasolabial Folds Treatment: Plastic surgery for Nasolabial Lines


Plastic surgery is another best treatment available for nasolabial folds and nose to mouth lines. It produces the longest lasting results. Lines around nose are best treated with a midlift face lift. For more facial contouring, cheek implants will help to soften the upper part of nasolabial fold. It will also give your face more definition. Excision of the nasal labial folds can be done in extreme cases. With this procedure, the nasolabial lines are lifted from the face.


Lines from Nose to Mouth - Dermabrasion as Nasolabial Fold Treatment


Go for dermabrasion treatment to smooth out deep wrinkles around your mouth and lines from nose to mouth. Dermabrasion softens the sharp edges of surface irregularities and smooth out fine facial wrinkles, such as those laugh lines around the mouth.

See: Best Home Remedies for Marionette Lines and Nasolabial Folds


Laser Treatment for Nasolabial Fold


Use laser light treatments for reducing laugh wrinkles around mouth and nasolabial fold flattening. In this treatment, laser technology is used to remove damaged skin and stimulate new collagen formation. A laser wounds the wrinkles in the corner of the mouth by heating deep layers of the skin. This nasolabial folds treatment will reveal softer, even skin underneath. You may require multiple treatments to obtain the desired results.


Chemical Peel for Nasolabial Lines


Chemical peeling is often used to treat fine lines under the eyes and reduce smile lines around the mouth,nasal labial folds and puppet lines. Chemical peel work by breaking up and shedding the outermost layers of the skin to reveal younger and healthier skin beneath. During chemical peels, various acid solutions are applied on wrinkles around the corners of your mouth to produce the careful removal of its outer layers. The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin.


Botox Treatment for Nasolabial Fold


Botox Cosmetic is another type of aesthetic injection that can help remove nasolabial folds. Botox is injected into specific facial muscles to paralyze or weaken them. This means that the muscles that cause mouth lines to form will stop moving, allowing the wrinkles to fade. Treatment of nasal folds with Botox injections help in flattening of the nasolabial fold and a reduction in the depth of the wrinkles around mouth.

Lines Around Nose - Tips to Remove Nasolabial Folds or Laugh Lines


Here are some of the best nasolabial folds natural treatment tips.
1. Smoking is linked to wrinkles around the corners of the mouth, lines around nose, and marionette lines. In order to prevent marionette lines and nasolabial lines and lines around mouth you have to quit smoking.

2. Sun-protection will minimize the look of future laugh wrinkles. To protect yourself against the harmful UV rays of the sun use a sunscreen lotion of at least 15. Be sure to put on sunscreen close to your lips and under your nose.

3. Use non-prescription creams to smooth out laugh lines or smile lines and upper lip wrinkles. Choose anti wrinkle wrinkle creams that contain natural ingredients such as copper peptides, retinol, kinetin and coenzymes.

Related Posts:

  1. Laugh Lines
  2. Get Rid of Marionette Lines
  3. Nasolabial Folds - Lines from Nose to Mouth
  4. Smile Lines
  5. Face Yoga for Smile Lines
  6. Neck Wrinkles
  7. Lip Wrinkles
  8. Tighten Loose Skin
  9. Face Exercises for Nasolabial Folds
  10. Natural Skin Tightening

4. Moisturizing will help you to get rid of nasolabial folds without surgery. Using regular moisturizers on the face may be helpful in reducing the deepening of the wrinkles around lips and mouth and marionette lines. They are particularly effective on reducing nasolabial lines.This is of the best nasolabial folds natural treatment measures.

5. If you are concerned about getting wrinkles around your mouth, marionette lines or nasolabial fold, do some facial exercises. Facial exercises can lift, smooth and tighten skin on the nasolabial fold line area of the face.