
Best Treatment Remedies on How to Get Rid of Wrinkles Around Mouth or Laugh Lines

Wrinkles Around Mouth ( Laugh Lines)

The nasolabial folds, commonly known as "smile lines" or "laugh lines", are facial features. Laugh lines are nasolabial folds that run from both sides of your nose to the corners of your mouth. The presence of  laugh lines and marionette lines usually makes them very visible to others, and for that reason alone, many search for ways to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth.

Deep folds between the nose and the mouth (nasolabial folds) also called smile lines or mouth lines become more visible as we age. To many, wrinkles around the mouth represent a factor that lowers your self-confidence.

Most Common Reasons for  Wrinkles around Mouth to Appear

People who want to learn how to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth must first know what causes those ugly wrinkles around lips. Most common reasons for the development of deep wrinkles around mouth or smile lines on your cheeks are constant movements of facial muscles. The smile muscle is attached from the mouth to the cheekbone. When we smile the pull navigation systems smile muscle creates series of or depression which runs of it nose to a corner of the mouth.

Facial mimics and expressions such as frowning, furrowing of your eyebrows when thinking too much, smiling, and expressions when you are annoyed by something makes lines around mouth deep and pronounced. Few more reasons for excessive wrinkling are too much exposure to sun, air pollution, and bad habits like smoking.

How to Get Rid of Lines around Mouth - Best Treatment for Wrinkles around Mouth

How to remove nasolabial folds? There are many ways to successfully treat the appearance of deep wrinkles around your mouth, smile lines or nasolabial folds and prevent formation of new ones. Natural treatments and home remedies for around the mouth wrinkles help you reduce mouth lines or laugh lines effectively. How to get rid of wrinkles around mouth naturally? Doing facial exercises for laugh lines help you get rid of laugh lines naturally.

A lot of times, wrinkles and facial marionette lines occur due to unhealthy skin, which is the result of a poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle. Your best wrinkle treatment should be to begin adding a lot of fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts to your meals. That way, you will consume necessary vitamins that are essential for your skin and potentially reduce excessive wrinkles around the mouth and facial marionette lines.

Additionally, you can undergo certain procedures like facelift to reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles around your mouth. This is a surgery and is done by removing part of the skin and tissue, which then result in tighter skin. Please note that undergoing such procedure is always risky and it is far better to prevent the cause of laugh wrinkles rather than treating the effect.

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Your best wrinkle treatment to correct nose to mouth lines is to use natural anti-wrinkle cream and effective homemade face mask combined with healthy diet and lifestyle. Do a little research to discover great creams and lotions that are most suitable for wrinkles around mouth and begin with your laugh line treatment as soon as possible to avoid even greater wrinkling, which is the result of unstoppable biological clock.

Around the Mouth Wrinkles - Home Remedies for Wrinkles around Mouth

 1. Avocado help you on how to get rid of wrinkles around mouth. The natural fats and nutrients in avocado help to get rid of marionette lines and remove laugh lines around mouth. This natural anti aging skin care fruit is high in vitamin E, which moisturizes the skin from within. Combine mashed avocado, honey, and egg yolk. Apply this face mask on to the dark laugh lines and wrinkle around mouth and leave it on for 20 minutes. Avocado plumps deep nasolabial fold lines and moisturizes skin while the egg tightens skin and honey increases circulation. This is one of the best natural treatments on how to get rid of smile wrinkles.

2. Applying sunscreen is among the natural remedies which will help get rid of laugh lines. Broad-spectrum sunscreens protect the skin from both UVA and UVB rays. Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher. This is one of the best natural treatments for laugh lines and crows feet after 40. Sunscreen lotion and creams protects from skin cancer and reduces wrinkles at the same time.

3. Use cabbage juice remedy on how to get rid of smile lines. Cabbage juice is excellent for smile wrinkles. Cabbage remedy help your skin retain its natural glow. Cabbage juice is an ancient homemade remedy to remove wrinkles around lips and sagging skin. For getting rid of laugh lines around mouth, massage cabbage juice into your face and then let it dry for 10-to-20 minutes. You can also mix 30 ml of cabbage juice with 1 teaspoon of honey to treat lines around mouth. Gently rub cabbage juice mixture over the nasolabial fold and let it dry thoroughly.

4. You can try honey remedy to treat marionette lines. A mixture of honey and olive oil can be applied on your face and leaving it for 10 to 20 minutes, you can see the difference on your wrinkles around mouth and chin. Rubbing pineapple gently on the marionette lines for few minutes and then washing it with warm after 20 to 25 minutes can also help you to remove dark laugh lines around mouth and to get rid of wrinkles around nose.

5. Apply egg white face mask to get rid of around the mouth wrinkles. For preparing this home remedies for frown lines around mouth, take 1 egg white and teaspoon of honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly then spread this mixture on your clean face. Make certain you do not leave the face pack for more than fifteen minutes. Rinse with cool water. This facial mask is the best way to get rid of marionette lines and smile wrinkles which tones your skin, hydrates to make your skin feel rejuvenated.

6. Use Fruit juice remedy on how to get rid of laugh lines. Fruits can be used in the natural remedies for laugh lines. Applying juice of green pineapples and apples on the mouth lines every day for 10-15 minutes is an effective home remedy to remove deep wrinkles around mouth and to get rid of marionette lines. You can soak a cotton ball in pineapple juice and then rub it on the fine lines to remove nasolabial folds.

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Pineapple is rich in antioxidants and is a fruit known for its anti-aging effects. To exfoliate dead skin cells, treat marionette lines and to get rid of wrinkles around mouth and chin, mix equal parts green pineapple and apple juice and apply this face mask. This is one of the best natural remedies for laugh lines which will help remove smile lines, around the mouth wrinkles and dull skin effectively.

7. Witch hazel  for Laugh Lines: Does witch hazel tighten skin?  Witch hazel is one of the best skin-tightening herbs that can be used to get rid of wrinkles around mouth naturally. This well known astringent herb is used to tone up and tighten sagging skin and reduce mouth wrinkles and frown lines around mouth. Apply the witch hazel on your mouth lines with a cotton ball to tighten dark laugh lines around mouth and help to get rid of puppet lines around the mouth.

These are some of the best natural ways on how to get rid of smile lines so that you can look younger for years. Also try exercise to remove laugh lines naturally at home.